The Wadas On Duty  Tips for living and traveling in Japan!

July 2024: Garden Update

July 5, 2024 Harvested rakkyo bulbs. Not much in numbers  but on bigger size. Already separated some for re-planting next...

ズッキーニの垂直栽培 Grow zucchini Vertically

人気の家庭菜園チャンネル、Epic Gardeningで紹介されてたズッキーニの垂直栽培を試してみた。これまで湿気などで多くの実が腐ってしまってたけど、解消するかな? Saw this way to grow zucchini just like some other veggies on Epic Gardening channel. Hope it will...

カミキリムシ捕獲 Caught Kamikirimushi (longhorn beetle) on fig tree

いちじくの様子を見てると、カミキリ虫を発見。触覚をつまんで水の入ったボトルにぽい。卵を受け付けられる前ならいいのだが。。。(ちょっと怪しいので後ほどチェック予定)。 にしてもデカい。 Caught two in an act. They’d dig holes, lay eggs in, and Larvae eat up the tree from...

June 2024: Garden Update

This month we harvested mainly onions and potatoes.This year, onions are mostly small and overall the harvest wasn’t great. Probably...