そろそろイチジクの時期 Looking forward to figs
ちょこちょこイチジクが色づいてきた。楽しみ。 Some figs are riping. Can’t wait to have them.
ちょこちょこイチジクが色づいてきた。楽しみ。 Some figs are riping. Can’t wait to have them.
Our first chestnuts have fallen off the tree. Bummer. Apparently it ripes still by sun drying for several days. Alright...
今年初挑戦のパプリカ。結果はというと、微妙。身はたしかに厚いけど、完全にピーマン。。。 Paprika turned out just alright but no so satisfying in terms of size. It looks just like a pepper,...
Sweet corn plants so far are looking good despite the heat this summer. Surprised to see how it got taller...
柑橘系の木が育ってきてる。と思ったらなにかいた。 I see citrus trees growing alright. Hang on….there’s something on top. アゲハチョウの幼虫だ。去年は春先にこいつらに新芽を食い荒らされたので今年はガッチリガード、夏になって暑くなってきたからネットを外したところでした。即捕獲。 Duh. That’s a butterfly larvae. Looks nice...
Edamame harvest this year turned out to be a success, way better than the previous years. It took awhile for...
タバコガを現行犯逮捕。見事に食い荒らしてる。 Caught in the act. It’d eat up inside tomatoes and all left would be poo. 固定種のパプリカも色づいてきた。 Open pollinated paprika...
今朝はトマト、モロヘイヤ、オクラ、ブルーベリーがポロポロ取れた Some tomatoes, okra, moloheiya and some blueberries from this morning.
今年はバナナピーマンに挑戦。よく成るし育てやすいので来年はもっと植えてみよう。 Growing banana peppers for the first time. I’ve found it neat. Easy and productive. May grow more next summer!...
Late-sown bitter gourd and cucumber plants are starting to climb up the trellis. Cucumber plants in particular are sufferring from...