December 2023: Garden Update
This month, finished sowing and transplanting the ff.
- Fava beans
- Peas
- Onion seedlings
- Takana
- Crimson clover as cover crop
- Rye as cover crop
And currently growing and ready for harvest:
- Chima-sachu lettuce
- Mini hakuasai/chinese cabbage
- Red kabu (Momo no suke)
- Mini chingensai
- Pointed cabbage
- Carboronero Kale
- Hatsuka daikon
- Set onions
- Shungiku
- Potatoes
- Italian parsley (self seeded)
- Dill

Harvested crops and availa
ble for consumption:
- Tsurukubi and butternut squash
- Sweet potato (purple, silk sweet, beni azuma)
- Potatoes (andes, destroyer, nishiyutaka, northern ruby)
- Ginger
- Satoimo
Collected seeds
- Peanuts
- Amaranth