July 2024: Garden Update


July 5, 2024

Harvested rakkyo bulbs. Not much in numbers  but on bigger size. Already separated some for re-planting next month and pickled the rest.

July 21, 2024

Had a tour in our neighbor’s farm and we learned some ideas from them on dealing with pests and that is to hang some bottles with mokusaku liquid in it to repel pests by its odor. What a clever and way easier way compared to regular spraying. Now trying it out and we’ll see if it works.

Started sowing autumn veggies (mostly brassica family) in trays.

July 23, 2024

Applied bokashi fertilizer to satoimo, ginger, bush golden berry and peanut plants (a handful for each plant).

Harvested green sasage string beans for the first time this year. And also been harvesting 1-2 cucumbers these past few days.

On the other hand, two pieces of Black-no-jo squash are ready to harvest. Hoping after harvesting those will make the squash plant to produce more.

Sowed extra green sasage string beens next to goya/cucumber area. And planning to sow other kinds of beans later as well.

Harvest for blackberry is peaking out and there are still some red ones but probably it would be the last  batch and going to end soon.



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