ズッキーニの垂直栽培 Grow zucchini Vertically
人気の家庭菜園チャンネル、Epic Gardeningで紹介されてたズッキーニの垂直栽培を試してみた。これまで湿気などで多くの実が腐ってしまってたけど、解消するかな? Saw this way to grow zucchini just like some other veggies on Epic Gardening channel. Hope it will...
人気の家庭菜園チャンネル、Epic Gardeningで紹介されてたズッキーニの垂直栽培を試してみた。これまで湿気などで多くの実が腐ってしまってたけど、解消するかな? Saw this way to grow zucchini just like some other veggies on Epic Gardening channel. Hope it will...
いちじくの様子を見てると、カミキリ虫を発見。触覚をつまんで水の入ったボトルにぽい。卵を受け付けられる前ならいいのだが。。。(ちょっと怪しいので後ほどチェック予定)。 にしてもデカい。 Caught two in an act. They’d dig holes, lay eggs in, and Larvae eat up the tree from...
This month we harvested mainly onions and potatoes.This year, onions are mostly small and overall the harvest wasn’t great. Probably...
Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to introduce Mizuki Shigeru Road and Mizuki Shigeru Museum...
Finally harvested the rest of autumn potatoes, yes, autumn potatoes in January. I left potatoes in ground longer than usual...
This month, finished sowing and transplanting the ff. And currently growing and ready for harvest: Harvested crops and availa ble...
December 26, 2023: Finally done with transplanting all fava bean (soramame) seedlings. This time I got 3 varieties, 2 from...
Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to introduce the wall Maria in Hita City, Oita....
October 19, 2023: Spotted baby chayote forming from chayote plant in mid garden next to the shack. Seems it will...