2023 Autumn: Growing Potatoes
September 10, 2023:
Sowed seed potatoes (Nishiyutaka, Andes and Destroyer varities).
October 10, 2023:
Hilled up potatoes. So far only 1/3 of the seeds have sprouted.
October 17, 2023:
Thinned out the potato plants. Only left 2-3 stems per plant and then temporarily planted the removed stems (ones with roots) to pots to be transplanted back to the garden on the next rainy day. Seed potatoes sowed in mid garden are also starting to sprout but can’t expect to harvest any since it’s already getting cold.
December 24, 2023:
Potato plants already died from frost. Tried digging out some, but mostly are still small. Dug out also all the potatoes from thinned out stems, only few pieces and all small sizes. Hilled up the rest of the potato plants to protect from frost and will slowly dig out the potatoes as needed.