Kamimomi Terraced Rice Fields Momian

Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to introduce Kamimomi Terraced Rice Fields Momian cafe.


Kamimomi Terraced Rice Fields Momian

Momian is in the mountains of Kumenan-cho (Northern Okayama Prefecture). It’s accessible through a suggested route by Goggle Maps but it may be tough (narrow roads). Instead follow this sign on route #53. Roads are wider and more maintained.

Momian in Kamimomi Terraced Rice Fields

Momian in Kamimomi Terraced Rice Fields

Amazing view of rice paddy is out there! It was early September, rice was partially harvested, though the contrast makes it look even better, don’t you think? Check out the current views on their Instagram page.

Momian in Kamimomi Terraced Rice Fields

Staff told us that the place used to be a barn. Walls and floors look modern but the ceiling has been kept the old style.

Momian in Kamimomi Terraced Rice Fields

We had their specialty rice ball lunch with huge serving of veggie miso soup!

Momian in Kamimomi Terraced Rice Fields

Fresh lemonade after the meal (made with local yuzu citrus)

Momian in Kamimomi Terraced Rice Fields

Outdoor seats are also nice.

Momian in Kamimomi Terraced Rice Fields

FYI, we strongly suggest that you make a reservation in advance for lunch. We saw some guys coming in but had to go since all seats are already reserved.


Let’s call it a day.


NameKamimomi Terraced Rice Fields Momian (上籾棚田テラス 籾庵)
Access1300 Kamimori, Kumenan-cho, Okayama
Business HoursFri:  12:00 – 16:00
Sat and Sun: 10:00 – 16:00


How do you find it? Please check it out and let us know how you think.

See you around!

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