Get Local Stuff at JA Stores

Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to introduce JA stores.


Get Local Stuff at JA Stores

You know what JA is? It stands for Japan Agricultural Cooperatives and their stores offer lots of stuff from local farms at great deals. It’s everywhere in Japan and of course there are bunch of places in Okayama as well.

Get Local Stuff at JA Stores

It’s like a super market with more local veggies and fruits. Can’t help getting excited. Generally speaking prices look a bit (sometimes a lot) lower than at  super markets. To think that it brings farmers more profit through JA, it’s pretty much win-win right?

Get Local Stuff at JA Stores

Aside from regular stuff, you may see some unusual veggies like coriander. This could be a great topping for South East Asian food.

Get Local Stuff at JA Stores

Catches for the day. Heh.

Get Local Stuff at JA Stores

I also found this box of figs for 600 yen. What a dealio!

Get Local Stuff at JA Stores

Let’s call it a day.


How do you find it? Why don’t you check out a JA store near your place?

See you around!

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