ズッキーニの垂直栽培 Grow zucchini Vertically
人気の家庭菜園チャンネル、Epic Gardeningで紹介されてたズッキーニの垂直栽培を試してみた。これまで湿気などで多くの実が腐ってしまってたけど、解消するかな? Saw this way to grow zucchini just like some other veggies on Epic Gardening channel. Hope it will...
人気の家庭菜園チャンネル、Epic Gardeningで紹介されてたズッキーニの垂直栽培を試してみた。これまで湿気などで多くの実が腐ってしまってたけど、解消するかな? Saw this way to grow zucchini just like some other veggies on Epic Gardening channel. Hope it will...
This month, finished sowing and transplanting the ff. And currently growing and ready for harvest: Harvested crops and availa ble...
December 26, 2023: Finally done with transplanting all fava bean (soramame) seedlings. This time I got 3 varieties, 2 from...
October 7, 2023: Sowed two rows of spinach seeds (Nobel variety) in front bed #2. Soaked the seeds in water...