Year 2 – August Week 4: Squash Harvest
This year we planted several varities of squash and luckily harvested enough that may last until winter season.
One variety that actually producing well is a volunteer plant that we sowed from a squash we bought from supermarket and planted last year.

Harvest from a volunteer squash plant, got mixed pollinated with other varieties
We also harvested about 10 pcs. of decent-size of butternut squashes, which I’m really satisified especially after finding out how good it is cooked as cream soup.

Left one is still young, light greenish, while on the right side is yellowish and mature enough to harvest

One of the mini (palm-size) squash varieties we planted. Supposedly a chestnut-like texture type of squash.

Cooked in microwave for about 5 minutes. Sliced up the upper part, removed the seeds inside and filled up with gratin sauce with cheese on top, then toasted in oven after.
Do you have a favourite type of squash? So far, butternut squash is on top of our list. How about you?