Year 2 – September Week 2: Summer Late Bloomers
Summer is ending and some of the veggies are still striving and finally taking off.
Tougan (Winter Melon)
Young winter melon is covered with lots of torns. For longer storage life, it’s best to harvest a mature one when all torns are gone and skin is covered with whitish powder. Of course, it can be harvested while it’s still young, just make sure to wear gloves or those torns will definitely leave you in severe pain.
Luffa/Sponge Gourd (Hechima)
Entire summer, luffa plant is mostly greenish without producing flowers until now. It seems about 10-day old luffa is good for cooking while mature ones can be used for making sponge. First batches of luffa has gotten big already and I’m planning to make sponges out of it.
Peanuts, Fig and Others
It’s nice to have these late bloomer summer veggies while transitioning to autumn/winter season.