Cafe EASE in Ushimado, Okayama

I would like to share a cafe we’ve visited called Cafe Ease.


Cafe EASE in Ushimado, Okayama

Cafe Ease is on a hilly spot in Ushimado area, Setouchi City (Okayama Prefecture). I’ve been following cool and funny photos on Instagram and finally we made it!

There’s free parking for customers nearby. Now let’s go down all the way to the cafe.


It is a log house cafe like Kiraku in Akaiwa City but a lot bigger.


As you enter the cafe, lots of stuff would be in your sight which they probably use for Instagram. Some looked familiar to me. Where the hell do they get all the stuff anyway….


Hm. So it’s like western diner. It seems to serve stuff like burgers. One specialty is pancakes. I shall get one and Mrs. Wada would like to try a matcha mousse.


We’d realized that we stayed quite long! Is it because the kitchen and our seats are distant (separated) that we don’t feel any pressure or we just had other customers staying long as well? Anyway it’s important to be able to enjoy time freely for our favorite places.(hehe)


Nice views of Ushimado out there with seats!



NameCafe EASE

2637-11 Ushimadochō Kashino, Setouchi-shi, Okayama

Business Hours10:00 – 16:00 (Tuesday – Friday)
10:00 – 17:00 (Saturday – Sunday)Closed: Mondays



How do you find it? Bring your friends and chat. You will experience how time flies! Hehe.

See you around!

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