Summer 2016: Activity Highlights

Hi guys! It’s already September and summer just ended in Japan. But it is still hot and humid again. This year, aside from our major trip in Kanazawa during the obon holiday, we went out for some activities to nearby cities despite the hot weather.

Here are the highlights of our summer 2016.


Made our Original Cup at Instant Ramen Museum in Osaka

The Instant Ramen Museum in Osaka – The Wadas On Duty

Fishing in Hyogo and Starstruck Encounter at Fishing Store

Fishing in Ashiyahama, Hyogo: Cloudy with a Chance of Sea Bream – The Wadas On Duty

Early Batch of Sunflower Field in Kasaoka Bay Farm

It’s becoming our regular destination for flower viewing almost every season. We visited Kasaoka Bay Farm during rapeseed flower season last spring.
Nanohana (菜の花) or Rapeseed Flower Field in Kasaoka City – The Wadas On Duty

And this summer, for the sunflowers during its early batch. It wasn’t only sunflowers but also cosmos flowers. It was too hot on that day that we spent most of our time under the shade.

Kasaoka Bay Farm Summer 2016: Cosmos flower field

Kasaoka Bay Farm Summer 2016: sunflower and cosmos flower fields

Kasaoka Bay Farm Summer 2016: sunflower closeup

I was surprised to see giant sunflowers where its flower is bigger than my head and way taller than me. Different products are being sold at the roadside station made from these sunflowers.

And, yeah, the last batch of sunflowers for this year is still available now. So if you are nearby, take the chance to visit.

You can check the details at Kasaoka Bay Farm’s website here.

Also, on the way to Tojinbo during our Kanazawa trip, we had an unexpected encounter of numerous sunflower fields.

a good find on the way to #東尋坊 #sunflowerfields #fukui #tojinbo

A photo posted by The Wadas (@thewadas) on

Momotaro Fireworks Festival in Asahi River, Okayama

One of the major events in Okayama that we look forward every year. I think last year, we positioned ourselves at the spot where we could see both the Okayama Castle and fireworks. This year, we were on the bridge not too far from the fireworks, which is also a good spot although very crowded. Spot the momo (peach) formation in the video below.

it’s time for summer fireworks festival again! taken last saturday. #okayamamomotarofestival #summer2016 #okayama

A video posted by The Wadas (@thewadas) on

Yukata Experience

This year, I had the chance to wear yukata in a summer party. Although it wasn’t my first time, it’s been like 5 years since the last time (first time) I did so it was a really an exciting experience.

Summer 2016 Activity Highlights: Yukata experience


This summer, I tried planting mini tomato, cucumber, okra, green chili peppers, lemon grass, sweet basil, small raddish, papaya, water spinach, snow peas and shiso. I failed with cucumber, mini tomato, and snow peas. Papaya is still growing and I don’t see sign that it will bear fruit any time soon, which I’m afraid won’t be able to survive the winter. Lemon grass and water spinach are growing crazy. For the rest, I harvested a few times but not a lot. I will try again next time.

Summer 2016, Japan: Gardening


And, some parts of our Kanazawa trip (more posts coming up).

Welcome to Obama City! – The Wadas On Duty

Make a Scene in Tojinbo! – The Wadas On Duty

And, that’s our summer 2016! How about yours? How did you spend your summer? Share it with us.

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ ᑭᕙᑖ says:

    Please send me any excess lemongrass and winter spinach!

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