Bakery Boulangerie Igel in Kurashiki City

Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to introduce Bakery Boulangerie Igel in Kurashiki City.


Bakery Boulangerie Igel in Kurashiki City

It’s nearby Okayama College. It has been featured on local TV shows quite often as a popular bakery.

The store itself is compact but it offers variety of bread specially pastry for dessert.

We had bread at the park nearby. It’s quiet and neat as well.


Let’s call it a day.


NameBoulangerie Igel (ブーランジェリー Igel)
Access480-1 Aruki, Kurashiki-shi, Okayama
Business Hours7:00 – 19:00

Closed: Tuesdays



How do you find it? Stop by when ya get around.

See you around!

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