Easy Takoyaki Recipe for Takoyaki Party

Hi guys. Do you like takoyaki? Me, I do. Once in a while I crave for takoyaki and last night, we had takoyaki party at home. In this post, I’ll share an easy takoyaki recipe.

I’ve heard that in Osaka, most households have their own set of kitchen tools for making takoyaki at home.

Unfortunately, we don’t have that. Instead, we have one that is perfect for a starter.

Easy Takoyaki Recipe: takoyaki plate

This one has a removable plate. It comes with another plain plate for cooking like yakisoba.



These are the ingredients needed to make takoyaki.

Easy Takoyaki Recipe: Ingredients

(For about 40 pieces)

– 300 grams of flour
– 900 ml of water
– 5 grams of dashi no moto (soup stocks powder)
– 3 pcs. of eggs

– chopped spring onions
– chopped boiled octopus
– cooking oil for greasing the plate

For topping:
– mayonnaise
– takoyaki sauce (optional)
– bonito flakes (optional)
– aosa powder [sea lettuce powder] (optional)

Although it’s more flavorful with takoyaki sauce, bonito flakes and aosa powder, if you only got mayonnaise, that will do. The simplest form of takoyaki you can find in Japan is no topping at all.

Now we got all the ingredients we need. It’s time to cook takoyaki!


Prepare the takoyaki batter.

Easy Takoyaki Recipe: Mixing flour, fish powder, eggs
For the batter, mix the (A) ingredients. The consistency of the batter shouldn’t be too thick, more like watery. In that way, the takoyaki will be light, soft and creamy inside.

Easy Takoyaki Recipe: Mixing the batter well

Ready the takoyaki plate.

Turn on the takoyaki plate and spread some cooking oil.
Easy Takoyaki Recipe: Apply oil

Pour the batter into the holes.

If it overflows the holes a little, don’t worry, you can tuck in the rest when you flip it later.

Easy Takoyaki Recipe: Pour in the batter

Add the octopus and spring onions.

Now, add the chopped octopus and spring onions into each hole. Wait for few minutes to cook the outer layer of the balls, so you can flip it without crumbling it into pieces.

Easy Takoyaki Recipe: Add in octopus and spring onions

Don’t overcook. The remaining liquid part inside will drip down to the bottom to form the rest of the ball.

Flip the takoyaki.

When the outer layer turns light brown, flip the takoyaki. You can use pointed sticks to flip it easily. Tuck in the excess part into the hole. Wait for another few minutes until the bottom side is cooked.

Easy Takoyaki Recipe: almost done

Put some toppings.

It’s cooked now, take it out from the hot plate and transfer to a serving plate. For topping, add takoyaki sauce, mayonnaise, aosa powder and bonito flakes.

Easy Takoyaki Recipe: ready to eat

Tips and more…

Time to eat! Be cautious when eating takoyaki, never try to eat up the entire takoyaki at once. It’s pretty hot inside that you may get yourself burned.

Aside from octopus, you can also use other seafoods. I sometimes use fish sausage. Although, technically it won’t be called takoyaki anymore, it would be kaisen-yaki (kaisen for seafood and yaki for grill).

It is one option to cook when getting together with family and friends. Easy to prepare and everyone can participate in cooking while chatting, making meal a lot more exciting and fun.

In Japan, you can find takoyaki plate mostly in department stores. You can find very affordable one online or even in Donki Quijote. If you are living outside Japan, here some items I found on Amazon.

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5 Responses

  1. YES! I LOVE takoyaki ! I’m totally going to try this ! Thanks !

  2. ᐃᓄᒃ ᑭᕙᑖ says:

    Looks good. But I’m going to have to skip the mayo. Have I tried takoyaki? I’m not sure. I don’t believe I have.

  1. 2016年5月19日

    […] The Takoyaki machine introduced by Mrs. Wada was actually from a recycle store called Treasure Factory.Easy Takoyaki Recipe for Takoyaki Party – The Wadas On Duty […]

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