Firefly Watching in Yugasan, Kurashiki City

Hello, it’s Mr. Wada back on duty! I would like to share our day of firefly watching in Yugasan, Kurashiki City this time.


Firefly Watching in Yugasan, Kurashiki City

Early June is the time fireflies wake up and get active for mating. We go check them every year. Hokubo in Maniwa City has been our regular spot. However, we wanted to try out somewhere new and closer, and Yugasan showed up by web search. Yugasan is a mountain in Kurashiki City which isn’t too far from the night view spot where we previously shared.



Regular stuff like grilled sausage (we call it American dog), noodles, oh hey there are some local’s specialty. Shiitake mushroom tempura. To be honest I am not a big fan of any kind of mushrooms. HOWEVER, it tasted really good. It was by seniors, so we’d have to line up more than 60 min. Well, I shouldn’t complain. Okowa (cooked sticky rice with mountain veggies) was good as well. I doubt about yakitori (BBQ chicken) though.


Around 7 pm, it gets darker but still early for fireflies. We walked around and tried to find a spot. Basically we just go along the river.The main spot on the map is full of families with flashlights which fireflies dislike. So we’d distant from that area.


At 20:00-ish, fireflies started flying around. Brightened insects in dark. And we, humans enjoy watching them. It is weird but sure it’s something.

Firefly Watching in Yugasan, Kurashiki City

We’ve got to improve on picturing fireflies in dark!



Firefly Watching in Yugasan
ScheduleLate May to mid-June

*Temporary parking (free) is available during the event.

Kojimayuga, Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture



In terms of numbers of fireflies, it’s like nothing can beat Hokubo but it’s great that we still can see them in nearby city like Kurashiki. Please don’t miss this once-a-year opportunity!

See you around!

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ says:

    Can these insects bite, sting, or otherwise attack humans? And if so, how did you treat your life-threatening wounds?

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