[Closed] Yoshoku Restaurant in Kawagoe: Cafe Vino

Bonjorno! It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I will share our food trip to a neat Yoshoku (Western-food) restaurant in Kawagoe called Cafe Vino. If you aren’t sure where Kawagoe is, it is in Saitama Prefecture (north of Tokyo).


Yoshoku Restaurant in Kawagoe: Cafe Vino

Here we are. It is only a 5-minute walk from the landmark of Kawagoe, the Time Tower. Easy access, isn’t it?
The chef has an experience working at a popular restaurant in Tokyo and the owner/waiter is a licensed wine expert (super friendly as well). Feel free to ask him what his recommendations are (he speaks English).



1-8-1 Motomachi, Kawagoe City, Saitama


Contact Number




Business Hours

Tuesday – Sunday: 11:00 – 22:00
Wednesday : 11:00 – 17:00




Lunch time is 11:00-14:00 and dinner time is 19:00-22:00. I’ve got today’s lunch (grilled chicken) and Mrs. Wada’s got juicy hamburg steak (grilled meat plate).

How would you like prosciutto ham?  Roll it up on a stick and take a bite. It is awesome with or without wine.


Great selection of desserts that varies every day. In this photo we got a pumpkin tart and a tea leaf cake.



Compact and tidy. See the collection of wine on the table? That’s not it. It’s got more in the wine cellar. Please don’t hesitate to ask the owner (in the pic below) the best wine for your meal is.



Seats upstairs are more spacey and relaxing. You could see Coedo area through the window. During the annual Kawagoe festival in summer, Dashi (float) passes right in front of this store. The view from upstairs would be quite something.



How do you find it? It’d be nice to to stop by after walking around. It serves Kawagoe’s local Coedo beer as well. Please try and let me know how it goes.

See you around!

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ says:

    I’m lucky enough to have been to this celebrated bistro. The spaghetti is excellent!

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