Kominka Cafe Kotohogi (Hyogo)

Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to introduce Kominka Cafe Kotohogi.


Kominka Cafe Kotohogi (Hyogo)

What’s interesting about this cafe the most is it is inside Nagayamon which is normally a gate of a Samurai house where soldiers, etc. used to live in. It’s a bit like a business complex. Houses and buildings in the premises are rented by different tenants including this café Kotohogi. A house gate but I’m amazed how big/wide it is.

There’s a beautiful garden inside the gate. It’s totally worth looking around before or after going into the cafe.

Here we are. It’s hard to believe that this is inside that gate! It looks spacious enough and there are even seats upstairs. The store strongly suggests to make a reservation before hand which I did.

We had seats at the edge to get a full view of the place.

It serves such a healthy lunch meal (almost vegan).

Took a look at upstairs before leaving. It was like an attic. Cool. Heh.


Let’s call it a day.


NameKotohogi (農家のごはん ことほぎ)
Access814 Yamasaki, Fukusaki-cho, Kanzaki-gun, Hyogo
Business Hours11:30 – 16:00

Closed: Tuesday, Friday, Saturday



How do you find it? Why don’t you swing by?

See you around!

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