Cool for the Summer: Matcha Smoothie Recipe

Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. July has been quite hot and humid in Japan. News says we may be short of water this summer, etc. To survive this hot summer, I’d like to share a Matcha smoothie recipe.

Rice cooker recipes: matcha cheese cake - matcha powder




– 2 tbsp of matcha powder
– 1 pc of banana
– 4 pcs of ice cubes
– 400 ml of milk/soy milk

Frozen banana would be good as well (then ice cubes wouldn’t be necessary).

Matcha Smoothie Recipe

Have the soy milk, banana, and ice cubes in a juicer cup.


Add matcha powder after (so it won’t stick to the bottom of the cup).

matcha smoothie recipe add_matcha powder

Mix well by the juicer.

matcha smoothie recipe mixing

Done! It’s perfect on hot days in summer!

matcha smoothie recipe mixed


Bitterness of matcha gives you extra energy! Please try it and let me know how it goes.


See you around!

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3 Responses

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ ᑭᕙᑖ says:

    Looks yummy! Nice mug.

  2. I might just try this! I’ve been looking for simple matcha recipe and this looks easy enough.
    Thanks, Wada-san!

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