Memories With Wadamobile The First

Hi there, it’s Mr. Wada back on duty. We have good and bad news.

Good news: We’ve got a new (used) car. \(^o^)/

Bad news: We’ve let go of our old car. (T_T)

Well, it was rather old and my mechanic told me it’d be rather better investment considering how much it’d cost me for repairing more frequently and maintenance for Wadamobile The First.

the wadamobile



Memories With Wadamobile The First

We don’t know cars, but we’d had a very attached feeling to our old car after riding years. You know, it was like a part The Wadas. Literary we’ve driven on mountains, beaches, and even in the snow (mountain) !

End up we have to let it go. But before moving on to the new one, I would like to share our memories/adventures with it.



Now Wadamobile The Second is on the go! More adventures await ahead of us. Keep you updated.

See you around!

the wadamobile

Very compact!

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ ᑭᕙᑖ says:

    I can verify the original Wadamobile performed adequately.

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