Exploring Starbucks Concept Store in Ueno, Tokyo

Yo, it’s Mr. Wada back on duty. This time I will take you to a Starbucks Concept Store in Ueno, Tokyo. The Starbucks Concept Stores are built with special designs for each location. One that Ren (Mrs. Wada) has shared before may give you an idea of what I am talking about. Check it out for starters.

Exploring Starbucks Concept Stores in Japan: Kitano, Kobe



Starbucks Concept Store in Ueno

The store is located in the middle of Ueno Park. Looks quite different from the one in Kobe and its cool design fits in the park, don’t you think? It was a saver on a hot day! Well, it’s got the same menu but with different surroundings it would give fresh air.

Starbucks Concept Store in Ueno Park

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to take photos of inside it as it was jam-packed! You may experience it during the holiday or weekends. Note that. However, I recommend to take an outdoor seat for enjoying the beautiful view and chill out.



8-22 Uenokoen, Taito-ku, Tokyo


Business Hours

Regular holiday: Irregular





Walk Around Ueno Park

Since the store is in Ueno Park, it would be nice walking around. This is known as a huge public park with numbers of museums such as the Tokyo National Museum, the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, etc. There are also temples and even a zoo! It could take you more than a day to check all in the park. The park gets full of people in spring for hanami (sakura watching).

Starbucks Concept Store in Ueno Park



How was it? I would like to visit more concept stores and share with you. Stay tuned!

See you around!

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