Super Affordable Unagi Restaurant Unatoto in Tokyo

Hello, it’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I will share an affordable unagi restaurant called Unatoto.


What’s Unagi?

Do you know what unagi is? Yes, that serpentine creature.

affordable unagi restaurant

It’s supposedly yummy but also considerably pricey. I don’t even know what the average is like but perhaps from 2K…depends on the place, I suppose. However, you may want to try this traditional Japanese food at least once during your stay right? For those who don’t feel like spending on it too much BUT still want to try authentic unagi,  there is an affordable unagi restaurant. Here it comes.


Super Affordable Unagi Restaurant Unatoto in Ueno

Unatoto is a Tokyo-based restaurant chain. Other places like Yoshinoya and Sukiya also serve unagi but this one cooks by charcoal. It absolutely differs smell, texture, and atmosphere as well. It doesn’t look like fast food, does it?

affordable unagi restaurant



6-11-15 Ueno Taito-ku Tokyo


Contact Information



Business Hours

Mon-Wed11:00 – 23:00
Thu-Sat11:00 – 23:30
Sun & Holidays11:00 – 22:00



affordable unagi restaurant



How do you find it? There are numbers of Unatoto stores in Tokyo. Please try it and let me hear what you think.  Sukiya and Yoshinoya also serve unagi as I mentioned. If you aren’t in Tokyo, you may want to check them out.

See you around!

affordable unagi restaurant




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2 Responses

  1. Mavis says:

    Hi is lunch and dinner price the same in this shop?

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