Super Cheap and Yummy: Outlet Food Stores in Japan

Hello people. It’s Mr. Wada on duty! How’s your summer going? We often have coffee with homemade snacks at home but sometimes we just buy some at outlet food stores. There are places we can get sweets for very cheap? I would like to share about it this time.



What is Outlet Food?

What would you picture of outlet? Normally clothing comes to mind first right? But there are outlet FOOD stores. Well, of course food there is edible (the word OUTLET just doesn’t sound good, does it?). It’s mostly because products are not in the right form, or over produced etc, they are considered not to be sold, but go to outlet. So nothing is really wrong with them.


What are Outlet Food Stores?

Usually outlet stores stand next to factories. Outlet food comes from the factory straight so they can be very cheap.


Outlet Food Stores in Japan

In Saitama

I used to live in Saitama Prefecture, to be specific Fujimi City. My place was quite close to a factory area. Sweets, bread, etc. It felt like it was heaven when I figured it out! (and soon I’d gained weight. hehe). However, It’s only one of millions. In fact, there are so many stores like that in Saitama.

Sakura Bakery

Yonezawa (pastry)


How to Find Outlet Food Stores?

OK, here is the thing. I will tell you how to find one in your city. I mean how to google.

Try search with these keywords below
City Name + アウトレット + 直売

These two words literally mean “outlet” and “direct sale” (from factory). Probably it would result outlet food stores in your city.


Let’s say you want to find outlet food stores in Nagasaki city.

I’d search like this.
長崎市 + アウトレット + 直売
(Nagasaki City + outlet + direct sale)

It resulted to this. I see there is an outlet bakery called Francois. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if it is what you are looking for. You may be able to tell by checking photos.

There seems to be also a sweets store called Baigetsudo.



I hope you find it useful. If you have difficulty finding one, I could help you out. Feel free to ask from the comment form (thumb’s up).

See you around!

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6 Responses

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ ᑭᕙᑖ says:

    Hm. Not big on pastries etc myself. But the pudding might be all right. At least it’s cheap

  2. What a great post! I learned a great tip too since I’ll be living in Saitama ;D

  3. pmp5098 says:

    We have a doremi over in Takasaki, so cheap! I love it.

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