Reasonable Restaurants in Kinosaki Onsen Town

I would like to share some nice/reasonable restaurants in Kinosaki Onsen town this time.


Reasonable Restaurants in Kinosaki Onsen Town

When you stay over in Kinosaki Onsen town, you may wanna hang out there for good stuff. Here are the places we recommend.

Inaba (お食事処いなば)

Down the main street from the JR Kinosaki Onsen Station like 2-3 minutes, Inaba would be on the  right side. A huge crab sign would surely get your attention. It serves fresh seafood from a fish store next door (under the same management).


I had an oyster teishoku and Mrs. Wada had a deep-fried fish teishoku. Both came with a piece of simmered fish in a little bowl (Mrs. Wada loved it!). Pretty good! We got crab gratin as well. Just wanted to have crab at least. Menu might vary by day or season but definitely recommended.


Jogai Ichiba Shokudo (場外市場食堂)

This place is located just across from Satono-yu which is almost next to JR Kinosaki Onsen Station. It’s good access, huh? Prices are reasonable as well.


I had negitoro-don and Mrs. Wada had maguro-don. This place really saved our lives in the evening of the New Year’s day (few stores were open for dinner). Extra points given!


Book Store Ichi / Book Cafe & Bar (ブックストア・イチ / ブックカフェ&バー)

It is located near the Kinosaki ropeway. We stopped by on the New Year’s eve (we always wander at the times like this). Looks like a bookstore but we saw a sign of food menu so decided to go in.


You could pick books and read while waiting or eating (oh, but that’d be a bad manner, isn’t it?).


I had a chicken bowl and Mrs. Wada had beef bowl. Turns out, it was more like a bar actually. Some guys came in for drinks and snacks. Well, it’s up to what you crave for.


Mini Fresh (ミニフレッシュ城崎店)

Just across from the Inaba restaurant, there is this local convenience store. Don’t underestimate its selections. Local veggies, fruits, souvenirs, and curry! We couldn’t help trying it out and you know what? It was awesome! Please try it. Heh heh. Unfortunately, there aren’t many public seats in town (there is a bench in front of the store though). Quite convenient in a place like this.



How do you find it? These places would be good options for meals in between onsen hopping. Please try and share your thoughts with us.

See you around!

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ says:

    My thoughts?… My thoughts…. What’s for dinner?

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