Traditional Japanese Houses: Ishitani Residence in Tottori

Hi there, it’s Mr. Wada back on duty. We would like to share our trip to Ishitani Residence in Tottori this time.


Traditional Japanese Houses: Ishitani Residence in Tottori

Ishitani Residence in Tottori

Ishitani Residence is a traditional Japanese house (kominka) open for visitors. It was built (completed) in 1929, amazingly a huge house of 1,046 square meters with a nice Japanese garden and stuff.



Free parking is available.

396 Chizu, Chizu-chō, Yazu-gun, Tottori


Business Hours


Closed: Wednesdays (December – March)



Adult500 yen
High school student400 yen
Elementary / jr. high school student300 yen
Under 7 / over 80 years oldFree





Website (in Japanese only)



We encountered a Koto performance by Tottori University students. Neat. There are some events like this sometime.

Ishitani Residence in Tottori


Oops. This place is way too relaxing. Do not fall asleep.

Ishitani Residence in Tottori


Second floor is also open to everyone.

Ishitani Residence in Tottori


Displays in the exhibition room may vary. We saw paper crafts and miniature houses.

Ishitani Residence in Tottori


Alright. Let’s call it a day.



How do you find it? It is on the way to Tottori central actually (by public highway). We definitely recommend to stop by. Also there are many cafes in this area.

See you around!


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