Wisteria Flower Festival in Fuji Park, Wake Town

Wisteria Flower Festival, Fuji Park: welcome sign

Hi everyone! Mr. Wada and I went for a short trip to nearby town, Wake (pronounced as WA-KE), in Okayama Prefecture to witness the blooming of wisteria flowers in Fuji Park during the Golden Week holiday.

Wake Town is just an hour drive away from Okayama City. We arrived already past 3:00 PM. The parking area was jam-packed and there were many people in the area.

We immediately headed our way to the wisteria flower park. Right before the entrance, you would find food stalls. Actually, it was Wisteria Festival during that day. Got some snack now, so let’s go and check out wisteria!

Wisteria Flower Festival, Fuji Park: ticket machine

They got ticket machines installed. Pretty good for a smooth process. Ticket costs 300 yen per person. Quite affordable and parking is free.


Welcome to Wisteria Flower Festival in Fuji Park, Wake Town

Wisteria Flower Festival, Fuji Park: entrance

After many years, I’ve finally visited a wisteria flower park! For the past years, I’ve always missed it. I couldn’t hold up my excitement anymore when I see this from the entrance.

Different Wisteria Flower Varieties in Color and Form

This place boasts of 100 varieties of 150 wisteria flower trees taken from different places in Japan and some from abroad.

I was surprised to see other colors than the usual purple one, even in different forms.

Fuji Park, Wisteria Flower Festival: bud-like wisteria

I happened to encounter a group of visitors together with the staff of the park explaining about this particular variety of wisteria flower. He said that many would think this one is still a bud when actually this is already on its final form. He added that this one is very unusual the fact that it doesn’t open up to invite bees for pollination.

Wisteria Flower Festival, Fuji Park: Yaefuji

This one on the other hand is called Yaefuji. Like Yaezakura (yae + sakura), the petals are piled up makes it look a lot fuller. Lovely!

Aside from the appearance, another thing to enjoy about wisteria is its aroma. The smell isn’t that strong but once the wind blows, suddenly the aroma spread all over and it really smells good.

Light-up Event Info, Videos and More…

This is how it looks like at night. Lights turn it up very differently.

If you are currently in Japan, it’s now a good time to visit wisteria flowers. Wisteria flower in Fuji Park already past its peak, but there are many other places throughout Japan that you can still visit. One of them is the famous Ashikaga Flower Park in Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture (flower status and English page).

To end this post, here are some more photos and videos I took during our visit. Enjoy! Did you visit any festivals recently? How did you spend your Golden Week holiday? Share your experience with us!

Wisteria Flower Festival, Fuji Park: take-care sign

Take care!


Fuji Park Information

NameFuji Park
Business Hours 08:00 AM – 09:00 PM
Entrace Fee300 yen for adults
150 yen for children
(Free on low season)
EventsWisteria Flower Festival
Fujino, Wake, Wake District, Okayama Prefecture 709-0412

3.7 km (about 37 minutes by walk) from Wake Station
In Wake City’s website, it indicates bicycle rental is available.



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3 Responses

  1. It looks lovely, Wada san!!!

  2. Liemzie says:

    Ahhh so pretty!!!
    I drove past some Wisteria on someones house in England the other day and felt quite nostalgic for Japan, no-one stops to appreciate nature here….x

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