Cozy cafe moyau in Okayama

Hi there, it’s Mrs. Wada back on duty. I would like to share a Kominka Cafe called cafe moyau in Okayama City this time.


Cozy cafe moyau in Okayama

It is a kominka (traditional Japanese house) cafe located downtown Okayama, quite close to Korakuen Garden and Okayama Castle. Location-wise it is super convenient for tourists. It would be nice to sit and chill out for the entire afternoon sometime, would it?


A nice wooden house with western interior.


It’s got nice tatami seats upstairs as well.


The window seat is always the best.


So it’s just across from Korakuen Garden. Watching the river makes you forget all the bad thoughts and stress…for a moment.


Drinks with a crumble cake in unique plate and cups.


Let’s call it a day,



Namecafe moyau
Access1-10-2 Izushi-cho, Kitaku, Okayama-shi
Business Hours11:30-24:00



If you are seeking a calm and relaxing afternoon, this would be it. Please take a visit and share your thoughts!

See you around!

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ says:

    I got a question: What’s ‘Moyau’ mean?

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