Kendo Dojo Cafe: Kurashi to Coffee (Okayama City)

Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to introduce Kurashi to Coffee this time.


Kendo Dojo Cafe: Kurashi to Coffee (Okayama City)

Kurashi to Coffee is in between JR Takashima Station (a 26-minute walk) and JR Bizenhara Station (a 22-minute walk), also just 10 mins. from Green Shower Forest hiking course that we’ve introduced before. A nice location, I’d say.

We need to make an order before going to our seats. For coffee, we can pick beans we like from the list (you can smell samples as well). Interesting. I’d go for rich flavor beans from Kenya and contest-winner beans for Mrs. Wada. Oh, also a piece of chocolate cake (wouldn’t miss that!)

What makes this place unique is this building used to be a kendo dojo. Can’t really tell from what I see at store front until we went to our seats in the back room. It looks like it, doesn’t it? I myself used to go to kendo class in elementary, so it feels nostalgic….of sweat and pain! >x< Heh heh. It was rough.

Here comes. Our coffee came into cute mugs with its logo (life and coffee). Cool. It indeed does smell different.

And, of course, dark chocolate cake.

OK, let’s call it a day.


NameKurashi to Coffee (暮らしと珈琲)
Access517-5 Gion, Naka-ku, Okayam City
Business Hours9:00 – 17:00

Closed: Thursdays



How do you find it? It was interesting really. Sort of place we would like to visit again and sure I would like to try different coffee beans another time.

See you around!

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