Hiking at Tatsunokuchi Green Shower Forest in Okayama

Guten morgen! Ich bin Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to share a nice place to hike in Okayama City this time, Tatsunokuchi Green Shower Forest (龍ノ口グリーンシャワーの森) in Okayama City.


Hiking at Tatsunokuchi Green Shower Forest in Okayama

It is not far from Okayama central. About a 20-minute walk from JR Bizenhara Station (two stations from Okayama Station by Tsuyama line). This place would be good for starters. After the shocking hiking in Hiruzen, we would need some rehab before trying anything hard. (=_=)

Let us begin. Literally it is a green forest. Been a while since I breathed in this fresh air. Steep isn’t that hard. The road is fairly maintained, I’d say.


The first spot for a break. Views are nice already.


Continue walking a bit more and here we are at the top. The panorama view is very refreshing. Yeah, we hike for this.(kidding)



There’s a path to a shrine. We don’t have to pass it but…why not?


Go up a stony road.


The shrine awaits in silence. All we could hear was panting……(pant pant)


Alrighty. There’s a path to go down all the way. Oops. that sign says that there are mamushi (poisonous snakes) Well, stay alert on your way back.

Alright, let’s call it a day.

Tatsunokuchi Green Shower Forest (龍ノ口グリーンシャワーの森)
Gion, Naka Ward, Okayama City



How do you find it? Since it took us like 2 hours in total, this would be nice for a morning walk/hiking, wouldn’t be? Please try it while in Okayama.

See you around!

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ says:

    I’m curious: this shrine is devoted to a particular deity? El Cantare perhaps?

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