Authentic Japanese Miso Soup Recipe (Miso Shiru)

Que onda guey? It’s Mr. Wada on duty aqui. I’m not sure how much you know about Miso soup. You probably already know, it’s the soup that comes along with sushi or in meal sets at restaurants. You can buy instant miso soup sachets at the supermarket but in this post I would like to share an authentic Japanese Miso soup recipe.


Ingredients (for two servings)

– 30 grams of miso paste
– 500 ml of dashi soup (or the same amount of water mixed with dashi powder)

Toppings (optional)
– tofu (classic)
– wakame (seaweed)
– sliced onions (my favorite)
– chopped green onions
– eggs (goody)


Preparing an Authentic Japanese Miso Soup Recipe

1. Heat up the dashi soup.
2. Throw your toppings and let it cook a bit.
3. Turn the heat off, and add the miso paste.
4. Mix Miso with the soup well.

Since Miso is a fermented soy bean paste, it is NOT supposed to be cooked in high temperature, NOT to kill good bacteria or destroy the enzymes, etc., and not to lose its aroma.

Done. This is MSG-FREE natural Miso soup! Goody.

miso soup


How do you find it? It is full of UMAMI! Yummyyyyyyyy. Topping is all up to you. Find the best combinations for yourself and share it with us!

See you around!

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1 Response

  1. 2016年12月11日

    […] Authentic Japanese Miso Soup Recipe (Miso Shiru) […]

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