Author: Mrs. Wada

Harvesting edamame

Edamame harvest this year turned out to be a success, way better than the previous years. It took awhile for...

2024 August: Garden updates

Late-sown bitter gourd and cucumber plants are starting to climb up the trellis. Cucumber plants in particular are sufferring from...

July 2024: Garden Update

July 5, 2024 Harvested rakkyo bulbs. Not much in numbers  but on bigger size. Already separated some for re-planting next...

June 2024: Garden Update

This month we harvested mainly onions and potatoes.This year, onions are mostly small and overall the harvest wasn’t great. Probably...

2023: Growing Chayote

October 19, 2023: Spotted baby chayote forming from chayote plant in mid garden next to the shack. Seems it will...