[Closed] Bakery Mikke in Saidaiji (Okayama)

Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to introduce Bakery Mikke.


Bakery Mikke in Saidaiji (Okayama)

Guys grown up in Okayama may be familiar with a mobile bakery named Märchen. It’s a German word which means fairly tale in English. I myself used to get bread from this mobile car in childhood. So why am I talking about it here? You know what, this Mikke is owned by the same company! Bread from childhood memory is available!

Follow the sign.

Passing through a narrow street.

Here we are. I see Märchen cars over there!

And a container small store is right there next to a factory.

To be frank I don’t recall if I’ve had any of these but it’s not an issue here. What shocks me here is prices are insanely reasonable.

Got a bunch!


Let’s call it a day.


NameMikke (メルヘンフード工場直売所 mikke)
Access373 Ikoshi, Saidaiji, Higashi-ku, Okayama
Business Hours7:00 – 15:00 (Mon – Fri)
7:00 – 18:00 (Sat)Closed: Sundays and Holiday


How do you find it? Please stop by when you get around.

See you around!

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