62-Step Staircase with Hinamatsuri Dolls at Bizen Katakami Hinameguri

Hi there, it’s Mr. Wada on duty. I would like to share the most beautiful Hinamatsuri event I’ve ever seen. It’s called Bizen Katakami Hinameguri in Okayama Prefecture.



About Hinamatsuri

Hinamatsuri is a Girls’ Day on the 3rd of March, where families display Hina-ningyo (dolls) to wish for well-being for girls.


Bizen Katakami Hinameguri

This Hinamatsuri event in Okayama is called Hinameguri with tremendous numbers of the Hina-ningyo (dolls) displayed in town! Visitors hop (meguri means hopping in Japanese) house to house, street to street to check out different Hina-ningyo displays . (Many houses are open for visitors.)



See the dolls on the roof? How would the owner set these up there.


Usa Hachimangu Shrine

The highlight of the festival is at Katakami Usa Hachimangu Shrine where the Hinamatsuri dolls are displayed on all the 62 steps of the staircase! Amazing work, isn’t it?

I took a video and you can watch it below.





Katakami Usa Hachimangu Shrine is 15-minute walk from the JR Nishi-Katakami Station. If you are driving, there’s a school nearby open for free parking during the event (just follow the street signs in the area for directions).


Usually the first weekend of March including March 3rd, the girls day (10:00-17:00).

*It is scheduled between March 1st (Thu) and March 4th (Sun) for 2018.
Reference (in JP)





Contact Number




How do you find it? There are many Hinamatsuri events all over the country during this time of the year. Go visit ones in your neighborhood and share with us!

See you around!


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