How to make your own yogurt at home

Hi guys, it’s Mrs. Wada here back on duty. Do you eat yogurt? How often? I eat yogurt every morning except when I’m in a hurry, or I ran out and forgot to make one. Yes, you read it right – I make my own yogurt. Have you tried to make your own yogurt at home? It’s nothing difficult actually.

Last year, I heard from someone about making yogurt using (almost) any yogurt product you can get from supermarket with a yogurt maker. When I heard about the word “yogurt maker”, I imagined it would be bulky and expensive. But I was very interested with the idea that I can make my own yogurt with a yogurt product of my preference as a yogurt starter. So, I immediately checked the nearest big supermarket in my neighborhood and hoping to find the yogurt maker I heard of. Lucky! There is one last item left and without no hesitation I bought it right then and there.

This the yogurt maker I bought.

Homemade Yogurt: Yogurt maker

It’s quite simple concept – it maintains the same temperature necessary for yogurt making. I got this for around 2,000 yen, that’s around $17. Of course, you can get it in a cheaper price at online stores but I was just too excited to try it immediately.

As you may already know, one of the benefits we can get from eating yogurt is good digestion. But there is one yogurt product in Japan that claims to be good for immune system. I bought it for few times already but it’s a bit pricey compared to others. So, I thought it would be a good chance to make my own yogurt with the yogurt maker I just got. Now, let’s get it going.


How to make your own yogurt at home

Here are the ingredients:

– 1 liter of fresh milk
– plain yogurt of your choice (no gelatin in the ingredients)

Other things you will need:

– yogurt maker
– boiling water
– spoon
– container (optional) – slim enough to fit in the yogurt maker
– microwave

make your own yogurt at home: Ingredients

Yogurt factory, container, plain yogurt and fresh milk


1. If your milk is in a Tetra Pak carton, place it inside the microwave without opening and heat it up for 2 minutes. Set it aside.

make your own yogurt at home: Heat up milk

Heat up your milk

(I have 700 watt of microwave and I heat it up for 2 minutes. The temperature of the milk must not be more than 40 degrees. Adjust the time for heating up depending on your microwave.)

2. Get your plain yogurt. Don’t open it yet. Shake it until you think it gets watery inside.

3. Mix the heated milk and yogurt well. You can pour the yogurt directly to the milk carton or use a plastic container. I prefer to use a separate container so I can scoop the finished yogurt easily.

make your own yogurt at home: Step 3 Mix plain yogurt and milk

4. Plug your yogurt maker and place the container inside.

make your own yogurt at home: (Step 4) Place your container inside the yogurt maker

5. That’s it! You just need to wait for 10 hours until it thickens.

If the consistency is still not thick enough after 10 hours, you can leave it for another hour or so. I usually prepare it early night, so it will be ready by morning.

This is what I’ve made.

make your own yogurt at home: Result

This is just one option you can try. Buying a yogurt at supermarket might be the easiest thing to do, but it’s also nice to have an option of making your own yogurt at home, with no extra sugar and preservatives.

That’s it for now. I hope you’ll give it a try too. If you got questions, feel free to ask me and drop us your comment below.


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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ ᑭᕙᑖ says:

    I eat (well actually drink) yoghurt every day. The variety I like is kefir. Have you tried it? Slightly runny and a touch sour. Even a tiny bit bubbly. Truly yummy!

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