World Famous Arts on Ceramic Boards! Otsuka Museum of Art

Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to introduce Otsuka Museum of Art in Naruto City this time.


Otsuka Museum of Art (Tokushima)

This museum displays art works printed on ceramic boards. Can you picture? I wasn’t sure how it would be like first though. One reason we wanted to visit this place is that an owner of Fusha cafe in Okayama had recommended it to us before (he’s actually an artisan). To be frank we aren’t that into museums but art works printed on ceramic boards sounded unusual & interesting and this time we happened be around Kansai so we thought like why not swing by? By the way this museum is run by the Pocari Sweat drink company (Otsuka). Easy access if ya coming from the Kobe side (it is quite close to the Naruto Bridge to Awaji Island).

There is a free bus to the museum from its parking. I recommend to purchase tickets beforehand online to enter smoothly and also it gives (a little) discount!


Here we come. It is basically all 4 floors (B2 to 2nd floor) It goes the ancient art to the modern art. After seeing B2 we realized that we wouldn’t be able to see every single display in a day, so like the brochure suggests, we decided to pick famous arts. Basically camera is allowed but NO FLASH as a manner. Some works are reachable and are OK to touch, but some don’t seem so. If you aren’t sure, don’t hesitate to ask staff or people around you. First my focus was more on ceramic boards but later on I was just seeing them as art works…..(my eyes got tricked?)

Apparently printing detailed paintings like these on ceramic boards takes lots of skills. That’s a part of promotion by the Otsuka ceramic company anyway. We would just enjoy art.


The last supper (before and after restoration)


Sunflower paintings by Van Gogh. Oh, by the way there is a restaurant named Vincent cafe on the 1st floor. You can see Gogh’s room (re-enactment) as well. A good pic spot. However, we had lunch at another restaurant called  Honomaru (in the museum) but to be honest this place wasn’t the best. You may wanna try others. There are other places to eat in the museum.


Johannes Vermeer


Monalisa (and me)


OK, let’s call it a day.



NameOtsuka Museum of Art
AccessNaruto Park, Naruto-cho, Naruto-shi, Tokushima
Business Hours9:30 – 17:00 (last entry 16:00)
Closed: Mondays (open everyday in August)


Adult: 3,240 yen  *3,100 yen
University student: 2,160 yen  *2,100 yen
Elementary/jr.high/ high school student: 540 yen  *520 yen



How do you find it? It literally took us all day and we felt exhausted after. However, it was still fun / interesting to see those. (That’s art after all…)

See you around!

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