Saga International Balloon Festival

Hello world! It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to introduce about Saga International Balloon Festival.


Saga International Balloon Festival

There is a day that numbers of visitors in Saga exceeds the number of its own population. That’s the annual Saga International Balloon  Festival! It is said that 800,000 people gather during the event. The crowd was a lot bigger than we expected!

Character Balloons

Familiar characters are printed on those balloons. You can get closer during specific time (check out the schedule).

Balloon Competition

Participants compete score by throwing a bag of sand called marker at the target on the ground. The view of all the balloons are in the sky is quite something huh?

Light Up

Performance along with music is remarkably amazing. Some fireworks await at climax as well. MC was a little noisy though. Keep in mind that drones are not allowed during this event.

Let’s call it a day.



How do you find it? Saga City is a bit far from other cities but it was totally worth a visit. Hope you will have a chance to witness it.

See you around!

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