Year 1 – November Week 2: Planting Onions


Planting onions

Finally planted the onion seedlings this week. Seedlings are already old, yellowish in color. Not expecting all to grow but I’m hoping some will survive. These are 中生種 (nakate-shu), this type is ideal for long term storage (can last until December).


Harvested the top of stick broccoli plants. This will allow the baby broccoli to grow faster. Cut the stem diagonally to let water slide through, and to prevent from rotting.

On the other hand, sprouts of brussel plants look bigger now. It seems difficult to grow these, I hope they grow big while keeping its form.

Chinese cabbages look promising, starting to form. While regular cabbages are slowly recovering after most of its leaves where eaten by green worms, might take time to form, (hopefully will…).

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