Autumn Leaves at Inukai Memorial Museum in Okayama

Hi people. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to take you to see autumn leaves at Inukai Memorial Museum this time. You know, we don’t always have to go very far.


Autumn Leaves at Inukai Memorial Museum in Okayama

Tsuyoshi Inukai is a former prime minister from Okayama, killed by terrorists in 1932 with his famous last words ‘If I could speak, you would understand’. This place displays historical materials of Inukai. Aside from that it’s also a great autumn leaf spot!

autumn leaves at inukai memorial museum in okayama



The nearest JR station is Niwase Station. Walking distance of about 2 km. It would be easy by car as well.

102-1 Kawairi, Kita-ku, Okayama


Business Hours

Open9:00 – 17:00 (admission until 16:30)
ClosedEvery Tuesday
Following days of holidays (except Saturdays)
Dec 28th – Jan 4th








Website  (in Japanese)



autumn leaves at inukai memorial museum in okayama


autumn leaves at inukai memorial museum in okayama



How do you find it? Perhaps you could find places like this in other cities in Japan. Why not go explore your neighborhood and share your discoveries with us?

See you around!


You may want to check this post as well.

Autumn Leaf Spot in Soja City: Hofukuji Temple

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ says:

    Did anyone belly-flop into that rock garden while you were there?

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