Autumn Music Night in Hayashima, Okayama

Hi there, it’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to share some info of autumn music night in Hayashima this time.


Autumn Music Night in Hayashima, Okayama

It gets cooler as autumn comes, which is a perfect season for enjoying music, isn’t it? There is a cool music event in Hayashima Town in Okayama Prefecture.

Entrance. Purchase your ticket here.

A sign (Chushu no yube = autumn evening)

Sort of traditional way for celebrating autumn night.

The ticket includes those green tea and dango on stick. Cool!

And the autumn night begins…


Event NameChushu no Yube at Hayashima-cho Ikashinoya (仲秋の夕べ 早島町 いかしの舎)
Access1466 Hayashima, Hayasima-cho, Tsukubo-gun, Okayama
*Parking is available for free
ScheduleEvery September (check the website for the details)
Admission500 yen

Alright. Let’s call it a night.



How do you find it? It brings you a quiet and relaxing night. Please swing by if you are around.

See you around!

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