Be a Coffee Master at UCC Coffee Museum in Kobe

Hello, it’s Mr. Wada back on duty. Do you like coffee? I and Ren (Mrs. Wada) do drink quite a bit. This time we visited UCC Coffee Museum in Kobe City so I thought I should share our experience with you.


About UCC Coffee Museum

UCC Coffee is a Japanese coffee company that invented the very first canned coffee. It also runs some cafes over the country. The museum is located in an artificial island in Kobe City.

ucc coffee museum



It’s accessible by car or by a train called Port Liner. The museum is in front of the Minami Koen Port Liner Station (10 minutes from Kobe Station).


AdultsSeniors (Over 65)Under 18
300 yen150 yenFree


Business Hours

10:00 to 17:00 (Last admission: 16:30)
Closed on Mondays and during New Year’s holiday.


Contact Number



Inside UCC Coffee Museum

Tasting Section

Admission fee comes with two tasting cups of different coffee. Take time to focus and taste the difference of the two. Beans vary every day.

ucc coffee museum tasting




UCC’s history began with the founder, Tadao Ueshima, who invented canned coffee.









Quiz to become a Coffee Master

ucc coffee museum

There’s a quiz section where you can test how much you have learned about coffee (available in several languages). Answer all the questions correctly and you’ll get a certificate. This certificate allows you a free admission for a year! No worries, all answers are at the exhibitions. Take your time.



How do you find it? It was more fun than I expected. By the way, if your budget allows, there’s a great Kobe beef restaurant nearby. There are also reasonable places like convenience stores and cafes in the area. Since we’ve got the free tickets (certificates), we might be going back sometime.

See you around!

Reference: UCC Coffee Museum

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