Container Cafe: Machi-Koba Cafe in Nichinan City, Miyazaki

Konnichiwa! It’s Mr. Wada back on duty desu. I would like to introduce a container cafe called Machi-Koba Cafe in Nichinan this time.


Container Cafe: Machi-Koba Cafe in Nichinan

First of all, I didn’t know why it is called Machi (town) Koba (workshop / factory). It was just listed by online search. As we got to the place it made all sense. The name was a big hint!

A cafe in a factory huh? We need to investigate. Let’s take a look around.


Containers for Rent

While waiting for our drinks, we took a look at containers in the factory (it was more like a warehouse?). A barista told me that the company rent these containers out as storage. That’s a cool idea. When searching online, I thought we’d be sipping drinks in one of these like prisoners. Hehe. That’d be cool as well.


Coffee Time!

Now I’ve got a question; Which would you pick for having drinks?

A. a barista container (where he prepares drinks)

It seems to have few seats.

B. ‘outdoor’ seats (next to the barista container)

Anyhow a TV repeatedly plays the Beatles songs

C. an air-conditioned-private container

The container on the left is a small handcraft store.

We would go for ….(drum rolls)……..C! (we wouldn’t feel comfortable with the barista in a small container anyway…) Now I see that this cafe is to promote the containers. The same idea as showrooms (I saw catalogs at our seat). Anyway it is a neat idea, don’t you think? Coffee was good, hand dripped.


Ideal for a business meeting like this.

Iced coffee.

Alright. Let’s call it a day.

NameMachi-Koba Cafe in Nichinan(町工場カフェ in Nichinan)
Access 2-1-43, Segai, Nichinan-shi, Miyazaki
Business Hours

9:00 – 18:00

Open: Almost every day

Website (in JP)



How do you find it? It was a good experience for us. Please take a visit if you get a chance.

See you around!

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ says:

    The business meeting was a disaster, as usual but the ambiance and coffee made up for all the money I lost on that deal we negotiated.

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