Hilly Town Shimotsui in Kurashiki City

Hi there its Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like share our trip to Shimotsui in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture.


Hilly Town Shimotsui in Kurashiki City

Shimotsui is in northern Kurashiki, facing Seto Inland Sea and right beside the Great Seto Bridge that connects to Shikoku Island. I always see octopus from Shimotsui at sushi restaurants and wondered how this town would be like. Let’s see what we discovered in this small hilly town. Deeper Okayama, I’d say.

shimotsui in kurashiki

Under the Great Seto Bridge.


Great View from Tatsunourani-Mashimasu Shrine

It feels a bit nostalgic that reminds me of my dad’s hometown. By the way, we’d encounter cats very often (too bad we couldn’t take pics). They seemed friendly enough but try not disturb…. Since there’s an animation movie set in Shimotsui, you’ll notice there are many pictures of scenes from the movie on the street (pics below).

shimotsui in kurashiki

See this character is running on this street?


shimotsui in kurashiki

The shrine is up there.


shimotsui in kurashiki

The shrine, very compact.


shimotsui in kurashiki

So the view would be like this huh? We will see….


shimotsui in kurashiki

Tada! Sure a nice view as seen in the picture, isn’t it? (pant pant)



1-15-30 Shimotsuitanoura, Kurashiki-shi, Okayama


Lunch Time at Shimotsui-Tei

I couldn’t help thinking about having octopus since we were in Shimotsui. We found this ryokan where it serves fresh seafood for lunch. That’d meet my demand! Perfect.

shimotsui in kurashiki

Octopus, Tai (sea bream), and some more sashimi with side dishes. Might not be in big portions but yummer! (1,200 yen)


4-1-3 Shimotsui, Kurashiki-shi, Okayama


Shimotsui Train Station (Closed)

This closed station seems to be another popular destination in Shimotsui.  Shimotsui Station had been opened between 1914 to 1991 (!) and now it is being preserved as a part of Shimotsui’s history by local community. We can still stop by and enter the platform. Neat.

shimotsui in kurashiki


Alright. Let’s call it a day.



How do you find it? It is certainly a minor destination in Okayama but for getting to know more of REAL Japan, this would a good starter. Hope it helps.

See you around!

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ says:

    What is it with those damn cats! What’s their problem, man? I want to tell them to chill out, but I don’t speak Cat.

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