Kinme no Nitsuke Recipe (Simmered Alfonsino with Soy sauce)


Are you familiar with Alfonsino? We call it Kinme-Dai (金目鯛、きんめだい) or just Kinme in Japanese.

It’s a little pricier than average fish but I saw it discounted to just about 200 yen (well, the original price was more than 300 yen), so I thought I could try making Kinme no Nitsuke (simmered Alfonsino with soy sauce) myself.



Kinme no Nitsuke Recipe (Simmered Alfonsino with Soy sauce)


  • 50 ml of sake
  • 3 tbsps of sugar
  • 3 tbsps of soy sauce
  • 1-2 tbsps of ginger

Clean Fish

Take internals out. It was already cleaned, so I just showered it this time.


Boil Sauce

Pour all ingredients for sauce into a pot.


Throw the Alfonsino In

As it starts boiling, throw the fish in. Turn the heat down, cover the pot, and leave it for 3-5 minutes. Keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t burn.



Alright it seems good now.




Our dinner turned a little more gorgeous than usual. Yum! Other fish like Rock fish (Mebaru) would also work with the same sauce. Please try and lemme know how it goes.

Fishing in Tamano City 2015 summer

See you around!

Our Kinme no Nitsuke dinner (bean sprout kimchi, hijiki (seaweed), Kinme no Nitsuke, hot rice)

Our Kinme no Nitsuke dinner (bean sprout kimchi, hijiki (seaweed), Kinme no Nitsuke, hot rice)

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2 Responses

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ ᑭᕙᑖ says:

    Looks good. I’ve never tried alfonsino.

  1. 2016年9月26日

    […] Kinme no Nitsuke Recipe (Simmered Alfonsino with Soy sauce) […]

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