Mystery of Wiener Coffee (at Motomachi Coffee)

Was geht ab? It’s Mr. Wada on duty! What coffee do you drink at cafe? Dripped coffee? Latte? Espresso? What about wiener coffee? I will feature shortly about it this time.


Wiener Coffee?

First of all, have you heard of it? Well, at least you may get an idea it’s about coffee, right? Though what the hell is Wiener? Let’s figure what it is.

Wiener Coffee image


Mystery of Wiener Coffee

Enter Motomachi Coffee

We’ve visited a new cafe called Motomachi Coffee. It looks similar to Kurashiki Coffee. Kissaten style.



Take a look at the menu. This place serves Wiener coffee! Lemme try one.


Try Wiener Coffee!

Here it comes. So this is it. Where is the wiener……there doesn’t seem to be such a thing on or in it.

motomachi coffee Wiener Coffee front

motomachi_coffee_Wiener Coffee_lifted_up

motomachi_coffee_Wiener Coffee_scooped

motomachi_coffee_Wiener Coffee_emptied


About Wiener Coffee

To tell the truth, coffee with whipped cream on top is what it is (sorry for disappointing you. Hehe), at least in Japan. Its origin comes from Vienna, Austria. Weiner refers to Vienna, so it’s Vienna coffee. In the old days many Japanese would try to find where the weiner would be hiding. Hehe. I believe you wouldn’t.

Original coffee seems to use meringue.



It’s been a long time since this drink came to Japan but it is still available at cafes including this Motomachi Coffee and Kurashiki Coffee where I’ve previously introduced. Please try it and lemme know what you think.

Kurashiki Coffee: Siphon Coffee Specialty Cafe

See you around!

Motomachi Coffee

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ ᑭᕙᑖ says:

    Glad to hear there’s no wiener in wiener coffee

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