Top 10 Popular Japanese Wedding Songs

Kumusta. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty na. I would like to introduce you popular Japanese wedding songs.


Top 10 Popular Japanese Wedding Songs

When it comes to wedding, Japanese couples pick either Western style or Japanese style. Western style is normally at (fake) chapel at hotels. Japanese style is often seen in public at shrines. I suppose Western style is still popular but many young consider Japanese style cool nowadays.

Japanese bridal biz adapted an idea of Western June bride in the 70’s but for a different reason. You know, June is a rainy season in Japan where business goes down. Turns out, this catch worked and started bringing more weddings in June. What a business.

So when do wedding songs get to play? That’s usually during the party. When a couple enter the room, or attendants very often sing for them during the party. Wedding songs don’t get on the book but it is still big business in Japan as well as Sakura songs, Christmas songs, graduation songs etc. Once it spreads, it is likely to be played for years.

Anyways, this is the list of classic to recent popular wedding songs.


Tentomucshi no Sanba (てんとう虫のサンバ) by Cherish

Year released: 1973

A classic wedding song from the 80’s. I still don’t know why it has been so popular for weddings but its catchy melody makes people happy for sure.


Ito (糸) by Miyuki Nakajima

Year released: 1992

A hit song of by veteran folk singer in the 90’s. Very simple sound and melody touches people and now it is to represents a pure love song.


Banzai (バンザイ~好きでよかった~) by Ulfuls

Year released: 1996

The biggest hit of Ulfuls is a wedding song. Apparently the front man wrote it for himself. A very simple rock song, I’d say.



Year released: 1997

A hit song of a popular solo singer in the 90s’. It happened for herself as well back in time (got a shot-gun wedding at age of 19 or so).


Chiisana Koi no Uta (小さな恋のうた) by MONGOL800

Year released: 2001

One of most popular punk bands from Okinawa has a classy love song. It is also popular at karaoke.


Towa ni Tomo ni (永遠にともに) by Kobukuro

Year released: 2004

A hit song by a folk duo from early 2000’s. A popular Japanese comedian played and sang it at his wedding and he divorced after months, so it is supposed to be bad luck for weddings but the song itself remains great.


Story by AI

Year released: 2005

AI’s first hit song from the 2000’s. Sounds gentle and perhaps moves many people.


Ai wo Komete Hanatabawo (愛をこめて花束を) by Superfly

Year released: 2008

Japanese Janis Joplin has a popular wedding song. Very catchy.


Butterfly by Kaela Kimura

Year released: 2013

A hit song by a solo singer. I remember it was used on a TV commercial of a wedding magazine.


Torisetsu (トリセツ) by Kana Nishino

Year released: 2016

Torisetsu means instruction. The lyrics are unique that it tells how guys should treat girls when they are cranky. Literally an instruction of girls, huh? As far as I know this song has become one of the most popular wedding songs in the 2010’s.



How do you find it? It may help you to sing one of these at your friends’ wedding. Heh heh,

See you around!

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ says:

    June bride? Never heard of it. But more importantly, which song here wins?

    The prize automatically goes to the only song written before 1990, てんとう虫のサンバ by Cherish! (applause).

    Now to the losers. Kaela Kimura gaines stinkpoints for use of “l” rather than “r” in her name. I also have a sneaking suspicion this melody is not all that original. Haven’t I heard that somewhere before? Torisetsu wins stinkypoints for a hip-hop sort of feel and the basic idea of the song. This might just be the description’s fault, but I kept waiting to hear something like Janis Joplin from Superfly. Perhaps on other tracks. AI (is this Al as in “Albert” or “artificial intelligence”? I’ll assume the latter) gains increased weirdness for writing a love song while being named after something like a machine. MONGOL800 wins stinkerpoints for ALL CAPITALS. Ulfuls once again make to the stinker list for being so ulful…. So many candidates…

    After much consideration, I’m giving the stinkerprize to… Torisetsu! (no applause).

    Request: Please tell us more about divorce songs.

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