Bizen Fukuoka Morning Market (Setouchi City)

Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty! I would like to share a morning market in Setouchi City this time.


Bizen Fukuoka Morning Market (Setouchi City)

It is a monthly morning market near JR Osafune Station as well as the Bizen sword museum, so access is easy. There is free parking also if you drive.

Walking down from a parking. The market is waiting right down there.

Bizen Fukuoka Morning Market (Setouchi City)

Bizen Fukuoka Morning Market (Setouchi City)

Explore the Market

It is a small market after all but with more than 20 local stores including some places we’ve visited before such as Organic Food Cafe Ito and &bread.

Bizen Fukuoka Morning Market (Setouchi City) Bizen Fukuoka Morning Market (Setouchi City)

Bizen Fukuoka Morning Market (Setouchi City)

After passing through all, we came back to this store by an Italian guy who runs his farm in Akaiwa City. We couldn’t let go of lasagna! (damn we were starving!). We also got a cup of hot wine along with food (though alcohol free). Smell of cinnamon and spices give great appetite. Apparently ingredients are from his farm. Cool. We should take a visit sometime.

Bizen Fukuoka Morning Market (Setouchi City)

With a piece of deep-fried fish we got at another store.

Bizen Fukuoka Morning Market (Setouchi City)

Taiko Performance

Taiko (Japanese drums) performance by locals is another highlight.

Let’s call it a day.


NameBizen Fukuoka Morning Market (備前福岡の市)
Access778 Fukuoka, Osafune-cho, Setouchi-shi, Okayama
ScheduleThe every month fourth Sunday8 am – 11 pm


How do you find it? It was small but full of energy. I would love to return.

See you around!

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