Cafe at Yoshida Mountain: Mo-an (Kyoto)

Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to introduce Mo-an cafe this time.


Cafe at Yoshida Mountain: Mo-an (Kyoto)

Mo-an is located right on top of Mt. Yoshida. Mountain though it is just 105 meter high, so it’s not like for climbing but for a little hiking. Walk up the hill and have cappa joe, sounds great, doesn’t it?


A Path to the Cafe

Get off the city bus at Kyodai-seimon-mae (in front of Kyoto University) and walk down towards the Yoshida Shrine.



Which way to go? Take a right and continue walking.


Go go go!


Passing through Torii gates.


We encountered a small park. Continue straight until you see a sign of Moan.


Here we are finally.(pant pant…)


Cafe Mo-an

Apparently there used to be 8 tea rooms and 1 pantry in this mountain in the Meiji era. Now the pantry remains as a cafe after being renovated, and two tea rooms are still used as well.


Take off your shoes and go up stairs.


Tada. Looks spacier than I thought it would be. Oh, it has window seats on both sides!


We got these window seats on the right.


You could see Kyoto central from the window.


A cup of iced coffee for me and a piece of cake and a latte for Mrs. Wada.


Ceiling and even the floor are made of Japanese cypress which is supposedly lux (this wood is often used for onsen bath tabs). Very shiny and cool huh?


OK, let’s call it a day.



NameMo-an (茂庵)
Access8 kaguraoka-cho, Yoshida, Sakyoku, Kyoto
Business Hours

11:30 – 18:00

Closed: Mondays, during new year holidays, summer (Aug 17th – 31st)



We figured that entering the mountain from North would be easier to access the cafe later on. If that’s the case, get off the city bus at Kita-Shirakawa. But we also enjoyed the route passing through Yoshida Shrine as well. You could get out from the North exit like we did as well. There are suggested routes by the cafe as well. Also you can check if the cafe is busy on this page.



How do you find it? Location wise it was overwhelming but definitely worth a visit! Take a visit while in Japan!

See you around!

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ says:

    It’s refreshing to see a cafe free of those pesky human-gopher hybrids. Must be some force-field they’ve installed. (How you made it through, I really don’t know) However, I’m worried about the zombification lasers. They seem to beamed off all the customers’ faces. Is this optional?

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