Kurashiki Bikan Chiku (Bikan Historical Quarter)

Hi there, it’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to share one of the top destinations for tourists in Okayama this time – Kurashiki Bikan Chiku (Bikan Historical Quarter).

Traditional Japanese houses and buildings remain in Kurashiki Bikan Chiku. It looks like lost-in-time. Here is the list that we recommend to check out.


Kurashiki Bikan Chiku (Bikan Historical Quarter)

Beautiful Canal and Street Views

First thing first. These views would be first thing to get your attention for sure. Many old houses are still used as restaurants, cafes, etc.

Kurashiki Bikan Chiku


I find retro stuff like these quite neat. It makes me feel like I’m back in time!

Kurashiki Bikan Chiku


Kurashiki Ivy Square

A spinning mill factory made in the Meiji era got renovated and reopened as a business building. There are numbers of stores in the property such as a hotel, restaurant, music box museum, souvenir stores, etc.

Kurashiki Bikan Chiku

Reference: Kurashiki Ivy Square



You may encounter this big museum as you get to Kurashiki Bikan Chiku. This is Ohara Museum of Art, one of the oldest museums in Okayama (opened in 1930).

Kurashiki Bikan Chiku

Reference: Ohara Museum of Art


Denim Products

Kurashiki is big in producing denim products since production of Japanese denim began here. There are so many different denim stuff at souvenir stores like Denim Yukata (easy kimono), and even denim suits(!)  A bit odd, isn’t it? Hehe.

Kurashiki Bikan Chiku



There are both Japanese-style and retro Western-style cafes. If you would like to try something matcha-ish, you should enter a Japanese one.

Kurashiki Bikan Chiku


FYI, if you liked the Miyake Shouten cafe that Mrs. Wada previously has introduced, there is another location in Kurashiki Bikan Chiku. This place looks as cool as the other one is.

Kurashiki Bikan Chiku



How do you find it? If you get a chance please take a visit and share your thoughts with us.

See you around!

Reference: Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter


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3 Responses

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ says:

    Looks very nice! But I worry for that swan. Was someone trying to harass him?

  2. writejudi says:

    My husband and I loved wandering through Kurashiki’s Bikan Chiku. It was quite a chilly day and we stopped to warm up at Coffee Kan. Some of the best coffee we’ve ever had. I love your posts.

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