Movie Review: Lupin the Third The Castle of Cagliostro

Hi there it’s Mr.Wada on duty. It’s a review of the Lupin the Third movie that I’ve seen on TV lately. Thought I should share it here.


About the Movie

It’s the second film of Lupin the Third made in 1979 (it started as a TV series and continued as an annual TV movie). I’ve seen this movie many times since I was small and one TV station still plays it every now and then (and people still watch).

Why Popular?

This definitely is the most popular Lupin the Third film all time for sure. One big reason is this is directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Yes, the god of Japanese animation from Ghibli Studio. He made Lupin for everyone (it was originally written for grownups).

If you are familiar with his works, you may recognize some characters in this film.

Lupin the Third The Castle of Cagliostro_heidi

Oh hey, there’s a guy from Heidi! (this one is only a joke. Hehe)

My Favorite Scene

I like the ending where detective Zenigata (that’s who’s been chasing Lupin for decades) makes a cheesy speech to the princess. He tells her that Lupin stole something precious… that is, her heart. Hehe.

Lupin The Third The Castle of Cagliostro in 4D!

As of October 2016, The Castle of Cagliostro in 4D is scheduled in January 2017 in Japan. It will NOT be 3D but might be with moving seat, splash, etc. like an attraction! It sounds quite much exciting, doesn’t it?


Basically it’s first-timer friendly. It doesn’t matter if you have never seen the show. If you like Miyazaki, you will like it for sure. By the way Channel 9 (Nihon TV) still airs this movie almost every year and it still hooks many viewers. Amazing.

See you around!

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ ᑭᕙᑖ says:

    Is there a Lupin the First? The Second?

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