Popular Places to Visit in Nagasaki City

Hi there.  it’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to share places to visit in Nagasaki City this time.


Places to Visit in Nagasaki City

Nagasaki has quite bit of history where had been open to other countries during the period of isolatio an of Japan and so foreign cultures were brought and blended in from here. There are a bunch of places to visit but these below are especially popular for tourists.

Glover Garden

Where a Scottish merchant Thomas Glover lived in and his garden are now one of the most popular sightseeing spots in Nagasaki.

Places to Visit in Nagasaki City

Oura Cathedral

Supposedly the oldest church in Japan built in 1865. it has been more like a sightseeing spot, it takes admission fee which includes entrance of the Christian museum.

Places to Visit in Nagasaki City

Night View from Mt. Inasayama

Can’t miss one of the best night views just like one in  Hakodate (Hokkaido). It is just awesome. Unbelievably, it’s admission free.

Places to Visit in Nagasaki City

Dutch Slope

A bunch of cool houses stand on such a slope. Looks nice with a view of Nagasaki City.

Places to Visit in Nagasaki City

Gunkanjima (Hashima)

It was sort of gold rush back in time and now the entire island is a ghost town. We can explore it by a boat tour.

Places to Visit in Nagasaki City

Meganebashi Bridge

One of symbols of Nagasaki City. Easy access (in central).

Places to Visit in Nagasaki City

Shinchi Chinatown

It is not as big as ones in Kobe or Yokohama but once you step in, you are in a little China.

Places to Visit in Nagasaki City


Used to be a small island as a gateway for foreign cultures entering into Japan but is now connected to  mainland. Buildings are preserved, reconstructed and open for visitors.

Peace Park

The 9.7-meter-high-symbolic statue stands and wishes world peace.

Places to Visit in Nagasaki City


How do you find it? Come visit Nagasaki while in Japan. It’s totally worth it.

See you around!

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1 Response

  1. 2020年4月24日

    […] was during our trip to Nagasaki. We stopped in Fukuoka to grab something to eat and Google search suggested this place. Seems like […]

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